All About Amber

My expertise is in non-medical ways to support and heal our bodies and spirits without costing loads of $$. ~AmberLena



Amber was born in Indianapolis, Indiana on March 12, 1966 at 2.35 a.m. Her hometown is Plainfield, Indiana where she graduated high school. Her education includes a certification from the Institute of Children’s Literature for a course in writing children’s stories, professional workshops on team building and most recently a Life Coach Certification from Coaches Training Alliance. Amber has been married for 18 years to her best friend Gregg. They have a son, Steve and daughter, Jessica. They also have three cats, Tuxx, Cosmo and Della. We had to say goodbye to our Pookie in July and found baby Della to help heal our hearts.

Class is this Saturday, June 22nd, 2013

Amber and Energy Grid-Power for Your Life (The Easy Way to Feng-Shui!)

Amber and Energy Grid-Power for Your Life (The Easy Way to Feng-Shui!)

Amber has spent most of her curious and imaginative life studying phenomena that have been thought of as ‘extra-sensory’. Timing could not be better for her to share the skills and knowledge she has been honing. The global movement toward the awareness of energies that are beyond our physical bodies, and the scientific strides made in measuring this energy, are supportive of her desire to help others discover ways to use this knowledge in everyday life. Items such as color, gemstones, breathing, visualization and many other are what she calls “Energy Management Tools”.

The only dedicated Feng-Shui expert in the Indianapolis area, Amber has been studying, practicing and teaching people all over the world how to use and enhance their homes/offices/rooms with little or no expense for two decades.
Using the ancient knowledge of Feng-Shui and her own “easy way to feng-shui” invention, Amber is able to help everyone improve the quality of their lives. She teaches and advises others how to do it for themselves. Using the art and science of color and object placement, she teaches people how to place their furniture and accessories where they will not only look the best, but also work to attract beneficial energy into their lives. With her simple yet affective invention “Energy Grid-Power for your Life” These benefits can be had without doing one other thing to your home or office. Simply place the colored shapes in the appropriate area of your home/office and forget them.

Amber, her book and Energy Grid kit have been featured on WISH Channel 8’s IndyStyle.TV twice in the past three months. Check out the latest interview below:

Her coaching, gemstone therapies and workshops include more in depth and personalized ideas on how to use items such paint color, furniture, accessories, rocks, mirrors and water fountains to bring positive, successful energy into your life. The best part is you can use all the things you already own! With the Energy Grid and a few tweaks here or there, this boost can be created for anyone at very little to no cost at all.

Her book “The Best Thing: Placing Your Order with the Universe” is being sold on her website,, Kindle and, as well as at Black Dog Books in Zionsville, Indiana and New Age People bookstore in Indianapolis.

This book is a simple users guide to the easiest-to-find, most effective energy tools she has used with her clients to help them overcome depression, grief, anxiety as well as helping them learn how to attract the most helpful people, best job, extra cash flow and better health.

cc2010-2013 The Amber Light all rgts rsvd

17 Responses “All About Amber” →
  1. Hi Amber,
    I found you from a comment on a Freshly Pressed blog and I really got excited reading the “About You.” Congrats on having your 1st public book signing. I’m getting ready to plan my 1st book signing ever too. I also am very interested (and believe) in the power of energy and healing and coaching. Anyway, just wanted to say hello. :)

    • Hey Pam!!!
      Thank you so much for vistiing, commenting and following! :o) I am glad you liked the site. Please do not hesitate to ask me anything about book marketing, promotion, writing or energy work. I am SOOOO excited to have you as a new friend. I am looking forward to working with you on lots of stuff! Have a great day and let me know what you think of the energy flow blog after you read a few! :o) AmberLena

  2. Hi Amber,

    Thanks so much for leaving a comment on my blog post, “Where’s Home for the Holidays When You’re Divorced or Remarried.” I’m sorry to be so late acknowledging your visit to my site, but I do want you to know how much I appreciate it.

    I look forward to reading more of your work.

    Happy New Year & all best,


  3. chewyourlipstick

    January 30, 2012

    Couldn’t reply to your comment on my blog…here’s what it said: “That’s so interesting! Congrats on having been published. What’s the teen novel about? I used to teach teenagers so I like reading what they read as well. Thanks so much! :)”

    • Thank you for taking the time to reply to me! :o) I love writing and have been doing it all of my life, mostly for my self. My book is about a group of nine kids who each have a strength that corresponds to one of the energy areas of our home/offices/building. They solve issue that confront them by using their strengths to balance the situationa dn let the Universe flow naturally. It will encompass some middle school age as well as 4-5 grade ages.
      It is called “The Grid Kidz” and it is being announced in public here for the first time! :o) Thanks!

  4. Wow! What a great forum to put positive energy into the world. Love it. I grew up in Louisville, KY so it’s possible our paths crossed somewhere in between (maybe at a Waffle House? We always passed through on Christmas day and it was the only restaurant that was open). Thank you for passing on your great vibes and for following my blog. I’m usually pretty upbeat, but on the day after I don’t sleep enough (like today), I can be kind of shallow…. =)

  5. What ? You have been here all this time and not received an award? well lets fix that right away. You have been Deemed Worthy of the Versatile Blogger Award. Enjoy.

    • Awwww….awww…awww…Two in a week! I just received notice of another from blogger, The Happiest Cow! The Universe So Rules!!! Thank you so much! I have lots of work to do :o)
      The Best and thanks again!!!

  6. Amber, just want to thank you for the generous, lovely, amazing comment you just left on my blog. You really are an incredible person, and I appreciate your kind attention and support!

  7. Hello Amber..Insightful blog.Keep writing and enjoy.
    Thanks Cyril

  8. I nominated you for the Very inspiring blogger award

    Inspiring Blogger Award

    Please accept this.
    You deserve it. I love your blogs. you are a friend to me on WordPress.

  9. Thank you for following our blog. Your blog is very interesting as well as you are. Nice to meet you, Amber. Pawkiss :)

  10. Hey, thanks for following my blog! I appreciate it. Bex

  11. Hi Amber. I love your blog, and am following it. Please consider following mine.
    Please have a blessed day. John 17:3 EB@ETS

  12. I just googled the title of a booklet I have- ZOLAR’S VOICE OF DESTINY
    1955 and was so happy to find your blog ❤️
    If you are still interested in this publication, please contact me.
    ~ Liz


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