Daily Power Colors & Full Moon Energy Flow Report March 10-16, 2014

Posted on March 10, 2014


Power Colors for this Week in order of most to least for each day.

Monday: Cream, White, Silver, Lavender

Tuesday: Black, Silver, Red, White

Wednesday: Gold, Topaz, Brown, Green, Yellow

Thursday: Burgundy, Purple, White, Turquoise, Green

Friday: Purple, Pink, Orange, White, Red

Saturday: Brown, Silver, Blue, Black

Sunday: Gold, Yellow, Orange, Red



Cardinal out my back door last month.

Cardinal out my back door last month.


An active week with lots of revisiting past ideas, people, opportunities and choices! We are going to be held responsible for the decision we have made in the past. Particularly those that have led us to a place where we have to either make a change or watch our goal fizzle into something else. Many of us will have some crisis in the coming weeks (if we have not already) that will drag a big issue out into the middle of our lives where we will not be able to ignore it. We will have to address it.

The full moon energy and motivation is already making a mark on the week. Many of us are thinking about our health, how it affects not only ourselves, but others in our lives who depend on us. We are looking at places of excess and making honest observations about where we can be better at conserving and redirecting wasted energy. This is in the form of behaviors. Those are not easy to modify, but it is doable.

There has been a lucky streak going around. Which can be good or bad…luck is luck. However, when the good comes to you, take advantage, and share a little with someone else to show thanks and pay it forward to get more another day. It seems much of it has to do with cash flow. And most of all Enjoy!!!

The nice thing about times like this is that the opportunity to grow beyond our imagination is extremely fertile. Even though we will not make much “new/forward” progress (seemingly) until May/June, working over the same ground to ensure it is ready , the seeds have all the room they need to grow, we have tools, skills, knowledge AND most importantly supportive resources will ensure we are worthy of the reward we will be tending.

Monday/Tuesday have the home and family feel, with emotions running deep and our intuition very high. We will know what others are feeling as well as thinking. This will be the case all week, but especially so on Monday and Tuesday. If you have a feeling someone is thinking of you or you feel the presence of someone who is has left the Human body, know that is a real energy exchange, not just “imagination”. Embrace the moment and remember the way it feels so you will recognize other times in life when you will have similar “feelings/knowings”.

Wednesday/Thursday are “spot-light on MySelf” days. We will be outgoing and putting our very best presentation will yield major support for our dreams and goals from those who are (and have been) paying attention. Over the past few weeks we have been tested in our ability to trust and be trusted. Our integrity will show and payoff now. Make contact with everyone you have talked or consulted with in the past. The time is ripe for a past connection to become a current and future benefactor.

Friday/Saturday/Sunday Detailed and focused, we are going to make more commitments to our health, our financial stability and our spiritual balance. BE ON GUARD!!! DO not Nit-Pick yourself or others apart. The energy is good for looking at the small parts that are making up the whole of our behavioral cycle. It is bad for getting lost in the perceived “failures” and then dug down into anger. We cannot afford to spend our energy wishing we would have or have not done.

Done is done. Now let’s go on. That’s what Mama used to say.

This full moon is all about find the equal between the fantasy that creates “new”realities and the physical, that which we have now and must deal with. It is about relationships that work well with ourselves, others, money, romance, health, satisfaction, knowledge amoungst others. Write letters and do rituals focusing on attracting The Best ways to be healthy, secure and calm. Ask for guidance through dreams, visions and creations such as songs, drawings, artistic works, etc. Give thanks for all of The Best Things that have been happening in life since the last letter. Make sure to state that we are willing to do the work it will take to make the changes necessary to have room for what is actually The Best.


The moon from last month.

The moon from last month.